One million tons of garbage ends up in the sea every year, and the Adriatic Sea is not free from that problem. Environmental and economic impacts are both severe and long-term. Recycling reduces air and water pollution, reduces energy consumption and landfills, reduces greenhouse gas emissions and helps care for our natural heritage for the future generations. The most effective way to stop pollution in our sea is to ensure that waste never even reaches it.

Green Sail is an initiative that supports activities leading to the development of sustainable tourism, focusing on environmentally practices that help preserve the Adriatic Sea.

All Green Sail partners ( )strive to provide the best possible service to their clients while ensuring that prevention is an integral part of the concept of sustainable tourism, promoting recycling and raising awareness about it within the nautical community. By our example, we try to encourage others to preserve our Sea, and do not forget every change begins with a small contribution, including yours.

Be responsible, protect the sea!